Tuesday 23 July 2013

Game Review - Warframe

Warframe is a "free" to play 3PS online futuristic pay to win game that is about as fun to play solo as being slowly licked to death by a ant eater.
Don't get me wrong, it's fun just to mess around with a few mates and chop some shit up, but if you're playing solo it kind of sucks. Not only does it appear to have looked at Mass Effect 3's multiplayer and said "Hm that looks nice, maybe we'll base our game on that" but it also is highly confusing. It may offer a tutorial on combat but it doesn't offer any help on the customisation aspect of the game which I had to work out with a bit of help from the good old YouTube. The graphics are good, the combat is pretty difficult until you either grind/play a large amount or buy weapons from the marketplace (although the melee is awkward with the lunges seeming to go in straight strangely angled lines rather than free moving). As you can see this is a short review, that is because to be honest, the is an average game. Nothing special, just a bit of free fun with your friends. There is not much to say on it, get it if you want to mess around a bit but this to me is not a solo game. 5/10.

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