Monday, 8 July 2013

Game Review Paranautical Activity

This is a, well I guess you'd describe it as "Indie" game. It's a FPS with a twist. What's the twist? Take a look.

 Yes it looks like Minecraft, Doom and Binding of Isaac had some sort of weird twisted 3 way baby that became the badass of school and got high. If you are high whilst playing this game I don't expect you to ever wake up. So it's a randomly generated set of chambers that you battle through with a class of your choice whilst killing everything to move to the next room, with a shop, a sub boss and a boss. That may sound boring but since it's randomly generated it changes every single time you load up. One time you may be battling a giant purple jelly fish (yes that happens), the next two flying multiplying eyeballs which shoot lasers. Trippy right?
    This game cost me a massive 3.50 GBP. For a game this re playable and addicting you'd expect to be playing big bucks not just a few quid that would only go on a KFC anyway. Okay KFC maybe would satisfy your cravings but this would last longer. So the question you have to ask yourself is do you like it quick and amazing or long, good and hard (hurhur). In all seriousness this game is ridiculous. It's currently in greenlight on steam so go vote that shizz up! The soundtrack to very-hard-to-spell Activity is about as trippy as the game itself. I love it. I love everything about this game. Apart from the limited choice of classes (including David Bow-ie) and the lack of changeability of the surroundings (I'm sure it will be updated to change soon) this is my perfect game. 8/10 for you lil budy.


  1. Dishere $hIT LoOKssss Digg MineCRAft bUtt MUcH $cariuh,, Dat FacE IZ GIvin ME dA $HiTs. Ah TYnk Ah'm finn ta Bayy DIsHEre Game.

  2. This review cured my cancer

  3. You know what's a great idea? Grow up and do something better than taking the mick out of people because you are illiterate and incapable of writing anything longer than "The cat sat on the mat".

    1. Excuse me Emzy please stfu my comment was highly literate
