Friday, 19 July 2013

Game Review - Cube World (Alpha)

Everyone knows cube world. It's like Minecraft Steve got a bit to frisky with a Pandarian female from Azeroth and forgot to use a cuboid protection. This thing is such a cute looking game I just want to eat it up. But is it a good game?
First of all, I shouldn't be calling it a game, it's still in Alpha stages so shouldn't be compared to the AAA tittles that cost you all of your wallet and your pants. This game costs around $15 which is a reasonable price considering that you get to keep it through Beta and full game )I assume) with no more hidden charges. The graphics are super cute blocky style, with all very nice and pleasant colours - simple yet affective. The combat is buggy and thanks to the lack of tutorial or warning, you come up against really hard enemies who make your day a living hell and kill you without even taking damage. Then you dissolve into mini cubes and have to rethink your life. So far I have played mage and ranger and had little success in either, resulting in many deaths and keyboard hammering. It is a... unique combat experience but with no tutorials is rather difficult. That pretty much sums up this Alpha. It needs tutorials but has none. Like really needs them. I had to YouTube some videos to help me because I was lost.
   The character customisation is excellent, and even more will be added as the development progresses. I hope they add tutorials and some form of more easily usable multiplayer (RP servers etc.) and then maybe then it will live up to the hype. I mean what really lets this game down is the hype around it, it's like Minecraft, the hype makes it feel like the best game in the world, until you buy it, then it is just a giant let down. 6/10.
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