Monday, 14 April 2014

Borderlands the PreSequel Announced!

In spaaaace.
(Image is not mine but was downloaded from the 2K website)
So yesterday, there was revealed rumours about a new Borderlands game that took place between the 2 current games. Today, those rumours have been confirmed as true. Borderlands the PreSequel will take place following the story of Handsome Jack on his journey to crazy ass psychopath in Borderlands 2. It will take place in none other than Pandora's moon, bringing in 4 new elements: 0 gravity, a "cyro" elemental effect, oxygen tanks/jetpacks and laser weaponry. It will also bring in 4 new playable characters. These are:
Athena, the Gladiator who made her début in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC for the first Borderlands game.(Her power is the only to be revealed which is a "Kinetic Aspis" - a sheild which will deal more damage back based on the damage it absorbs.
Wilhelm, The Enforcer - the first robot boss in the second game (although this time looking more like a human than a robot).
Nisha, The Lawbringer, the sheriff of Lynchwood in Borderlands 2 (No power disclosed).
And finally, and most importantly, Claptrap, The Fragtrap. Yes you can play as the almighty Claptrap. On the moon. With guns. (Not a freaking clue what his ability could be).
The game is set to release Fall this year on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, and personally as a fan of the series, I Cannot wait. IT looks beautiful, hilarious and slightly insane. All information (and a video with some alpha footage) can be found here on the official 2k Games site. What is your opinions about the PreSequel? Pile of trash or the next stop on the hype train?

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