The first Next-Gen FPS?

Titanfall is a First Person shooter created by Respawn Entertainment. Respawn is a team headed up by some of the ex-high up guys from Infinity Ward, creators of Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2. So we can safely say, they have experience in the First Person Shooter genre. However, this game obviously is different from a Call of Duty game because, well you can't just rip off other games and sell well (Companies really need to learn this). So what makes it different? Well for a start, there is no single player campaign. Ever played Brink (yes, the god of all games), well Titanfall does campaign the same kind of way that did, but a lot worse. When I started playing I was kind of excited, you play 9 "missions" which is basically a certain game mode, either Attrition or Hardpoint Domination, and I do not think victory dictates the outcome, but as you play through each you get some story plot and some plot in between games. The first nine missions are played from the Perspective of the IMC. A giant war between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, a group who can be seen as the bad guys or the good guys, who are attempting to progress humanity through technological advancement (they created the titans originally) and the militia, a team who are trying to defeat the rule of the IMC. The IMC have been seen to be testing out their new Spectres (robotic soldiers) on innocent civilians. After the nine missions, you get the ending for the Militia campaign and receive the second of three titans to unlock, and are encouraged to play the IMC side. This is where the disappointment comes. The IMC side of the Campaign is essentially the same as the Militia side but a little different. This is why it is worse than brink, the campaign really is not enjoyable after the first 9 missions and really, the game would be better without the campaign feature in my opinion.

So o ther than the campaign, there is a lot of good gameplay. The Titans, rather than being a massively overpowered destructo-bot, is actually fairly well balanced. The only ones available at the start of the match are AI controlled and really don't last long and can offer a lot of free points and XP. For all the other Titans, they spawn on a three minute timer which can be lowered by killing enemies (AI or player). Once they are in, they can either be set to Gaurd or Follow, where it will stay in the area it is dropped and defend against any enemies or follow the pilot who called it in and defend, which is fairly useful, or pilot it yourself, which gives access to all of the features but leaves you open to enemy pilots jumping on your titan and killing it (as pictured above), which is by far my favourite thing to do. Pilots are also choice of anti-titan weapons so, although they can pretty much be one shot by titans, gives them a chance to fight back if they are distracted. The pilots themselves are all players, and run around the map with a primary, a secondary, anti titan weapons, ordnance (grenades and the like) and a set of perks with one active ability. They are also accompanied by AI controlled grunts (basically one shot of any gun and very little points or XP) and later Spectres which are tougher, grant more XP and can be hacked into your team. Pilots have a lot of manoeuvrability, with double jumps and parkour, as well as abilities which can turn them invisible (to bots, they still leave a kind of haze where the player is), or speed up and increase health regen - which is really good for out gun fighting enemies. The pilot combat is fairly balanced, but in my opinion there is one superior set up, with the Carbine and Sidewinder anti-titan gun, which wins against anything over mid range combat, which is what most of the battles which takes place are. The game has a Call of Duty style level up system to unlock new weapons and perks, with prestiges as well. This is a standard FPS style of gameplay.
The graphics are pretty top-notch, with amazing weapon and world detail and not too hard system requirements. This is on the PC edition, the console editions seem to be hit pretty damn hard, but apparently do play better with better servers. The only problem with the graphics, the buildings seem to have similar colours all around, and can bug out a bit when flying around. So other than the slight unbalance in the combat, and the disappointing added extra campaign, the game is pretty good. Worth the price? I think so. The other thing people are complaining about is the matchmaking, as level 1s can be matched with 30+, but since there is little effect of being a higher level, it doesn't really batter. SO overall, it is a very good game and as a FPS god (played CoD since the second one), it has my approval.