Now we run into our first problem. There is no tutorial. I am a hard core League of Legends player but every time I try a new MOBA I like there to be a tutorial so I can get the grasp of the individual game. This has nothing, not even bot games, you are thrown in at the deep end with no idea what to do, just running round like a headless chicken. Then there is the heroes themselves. They don't seem to have any form of balance, I'd go 2-0 up then get completely assassinated with a 2v1 in my favour by nightmare Batman. He is completely ridiculous. At first I thought although the abilities were not too similar to other main MOBAs, which is good, but then I realised you can't target for more than a certain time because it auto casts, the hit detection is off and some just do absolutely nothing to help you.

But less on the bad points, more on the positives. The summoner spells (or equivalent) are all unlocked level 1, and each hero gives a unique power to 1 of the spells. Each game starts with a cutscene of the 5 heroes on your team (as displayed above) and so far I haven't come across raging 12 year old's that are so common in League. With some development (addition of tutorials, balances etc) and some more progression this has the opportunity to be among the big ones. But until that time, Infinite Crisis you are a 4/10, not what I expected from such a big company.